Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I won't be holding my breath

kw: religion, islam, provocation

The proposed mosque near "ground zero" in NYC is back in the news, getting much play in the talk shows, and so forth. Yeah, these guys have a First Amendment right to practice their religion, but remember that we jail people for crying "Fire" in a crowded room. Their proposal is just as damaging. Here are my two cents' worth to America's moderate Moslems:

Please wait until we put al Qaeda and the Taliban permanently out of business; in fact why don't more of you go to Afghanistan and Pakistan and help us do just that?

When a church or synagogue is permitted to be built within sight of the Ka'aba in Mecca, then I'll be ready to allow a mosque to be built within sight of "ground zero". OK, let's get real: When a church or synagogue is permitted to be built anywhere in Saudi Arabia!

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