Sunday, April 05, 2009

Couldn't eat on the train

kw: curios, travel

While taking a constitutional up and down the block each morning, I passed these boarded up train cars, that used to be set up as a restaurant. This morning I took some pictures. There are six cars, two lines of three, with passageways between them side-to-side, and a building attached to the side that doesn't show here, where the cooking was done.

I was told by a hotel clerk that the restaurant was quite popular, and is an unofficial historical landmark. People loved to eat in the train cars. There was not sufficient parking for both the hotel and the restaurant, so three years ago the owner opened a different diner elsewhere and closed this one down. Many local people hope it will be preserved in some way, perhaps turned into a museum, for it preserves the last remnant of the old Anaheim-Burbank train line. It is walking distance from the entrance to Disneyland.

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