Saturday, February 17, 2024

Spiders from Hong Kong outrun those from Singapore

kw: blogging, spiders, spider scanning


Just when I'd got used to seeing another extra 400-600 views per day, just from Singapore, today I saw this, for the past 24 hours:

Here, the usual "Singapore plus everyone else" is the low terrain on either side of the "mountain". Naturally, I had to see if this is also Singapore. As it happens:

No! Views from Singapore are indeed many, at 555 for the day, but Hong Kong, in an eight-hour spree, racked up 5,225 views, or about 650 per hour. Considering that the total number of posts in this blog is about 2,500, I suspect that my blog is one of perhaps millions of blogs that are being gulped down wholesale to train AI text models such as ChatGPT and, where images and text occur together, diffusion models such as DALL•E or Playground. I checked into the top posts for the past day:

Everything below the first ten posts has been viewed no more than twice in the past 24 hours. The "text vacuuming" going on is unfocused. At this point, I don't what more to conclude. It would be interesting to learn if other bloggers are experiencing new and unusual numbers of hits, most likely from automated text vacuums.

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