Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Spiders from all directions

kw: blogs, blogging, spider scanning

I checked the stats just now, and imagine my surprise at the big spike about two days ago, or two and a half. The map shows that the biggest "customer" has been Turkmenistan. Who knows what they are up to?

Here is the Audience list, the top ten:

The single big spike is probably Indonesia. The US provides background "clutter" of about 40 hits daily, at a steady rate, only visible here on May 7-9. The visible "grass" is a five-day run, with Turkmenistan providing the little spikes from May 9-12, and Russia the "rough hump" over the past day and a half.

I have noticed a time or two that my post "The largest homophone set" is a heavy favorite of spiders. I wonder if the Turkmen and the Russians know that "homophone" is a grammatical term…

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