Saturday, July 13, 2024

Is it spidering or something else?

 kw: blogs, blogging, spider scanning

I was away for a couple of weeks, so it will be a few more days before I have finished reading another book to review. I see that in the past month there was a surge in views for a week or so, with the greatest number emerging from Hong Kong, followed by Singapore:

Viewing from the US and following, with the possible exception of China, represents my usual clientele. Even after this surge, view rates have been high, until just the last day or two. This shows the past week:

One hundred views daily is still well above the usual for this blog. Hong Kong and Singapore still dominate, but by a lesser amount (table follows). For the past 24 hours, we find this activity:

There is a further decrease, but still plenty of activity. To see the trend numerically, here are the percentages:

In spite of a marked decrease in daily views, Hong Kong still dominated today's activity, while Singapore didn't decrease, but its percentage increases because of reduced total activity. I include China because I suspect there is also some "extra" activity from there, but perhaps not all of China is such. The next table shows normalized numbers:

The row labeled "normal" is USA plus Other, and the range of ~800 to ~1,200 is what I expect for a month of activity by genuinely interested viewers, around 30/day.

It is more evident here that activity from Singapore has remained steady while that from Hong Kong reduced to less than 1/3 of the "surge" level. China's activity fell steadily, while "other" stayed level.

How much of this is automatic spidering and how much represents actual persons viewing posts? I can't presume to read minds, not even machine "minds". I suspect that the activity from Hong Kong originates from China as a whole by proxy, while Singapore is its own animal. Perhaps I should say I "speculate" rather than "suspect". I can analyze numbers all day long, but little further insight is likely.

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