Sunday, July 31, 2022

Sundry superheroes...and supervillains of course

 kw: story reviews, science fiction, fantasy, supernatural creatures, supertechnology

I find I am a bit more than halfway through The Best of World SF, Volume 1, edited by Lavie Tidhar. Two stories this time, because the second is a novella, about 40 pages long.

"The Emptiness at the Heart of All Things" by Fabio Fernandes. Matinta is a genus of jumping spiders, most of which are found in Brazil. The genus is probably named for Matinta Pereira, a supernatural hag that wreaks justice…sometimes. An author and policewoman journeys to an isolated house in scrubby land called sertão to meet a forgotten woman author, to interview her. She uses the guise of gathering material for a dissertation. A series of murders, centered on the house, constitute the mystery she hopes to solve. But dealing with a Matinta is more than she bargained for.

"The Sun From Both Sides" by R.S.A. Garcia. I think it is no mistake that this story comes after the prior one. Here we find a plethora of superheroes and supervillains. Or, perhaps, the beneficiaries of multiple, competing supertechnologies. If the weapons described herein are ever developed, either a new level of Mutual Assured Destruction will balance the powers, as in this story, or all life will be rapidly annihilated. Here, wish fulfillment reigns, and the super couple at the core of the story prevails. (The image is more violent than the style of warfare depicted in the story, but semi-pacifistic combat doesn't make for memorable images)

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