Saturday, February 01, 2020

Hi Spiders! Welcome back!!

kw: blogs, blogging, spider scanning

Since I saw the beginning of some spider scanning activity a couple of days ago, I decided to check into it. It may not have ended yet. Here is the overview for the past week:

Overall, about 85% of all activity in the past day or two has originated from Russia. Over the whole of the past week, activity from the USA has totaled 87 hits to Russia's 201.

We can focus on the past 24 hours for an even more stark contrast, below.

No numbers are needed to show that the USA has 20-some hits; a normal day of activity. When I looked at the Audience view, no other country exceeded 2 hits.

On the weekly view, the top five posts had between 6 and 9 hits; in the past day, no post had more than 2 hits. This indicates that we have wide scanning here. In the past, when I was writing daily and getting 200 daily hits, there would usually be one or two recent posts that had 5-10 hits, and the weekly "most popular" list topped out at 20 or more. So I surmise a single agent snarfing up 20-60 posts in a particular hour, and going for different ones each time.

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