Saturday, December 14, 2019

A new Eurasian spider pattern

kw: bloggins, spider scanning

I haven't posted for about two weeks. I read parts of two books, found them unsuitable to continue, and now I am partway through another that I ought to complete in another couple of days.

Anyway, I checked into Blogger and saw this: Starting some time on Friday (the 13th!) the majority of the action came from Russia and the Ukraine, with the U.S. pulling into third place.

As usual, normal hourly activity is the "grass" in the leftward 2/3 of the chart.

This is only mildly interesting. I have yet to hear from, or hear of, anyone who is keeping track of the activity on their blog, whether they notice the visiting Russians. It may be that the amount of activity is equally spread over lots of blogs, so only for low-popularity blogs such as mine can anyone even see that something a bit unusual is going on.

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