Friday, October 18, 2019

More spiders visit from Russia

kw: blogs, blogging, spider scanning

So I logged right in, and what did I see? Bunch'a Russian spiders, lookin' back at me!

At my present rate of activity, any hourly spike above about 10 is suspicious, as is a daily total greater than 50. And in "Pageviews today", the total shown is for less than half the day, which is counted in PDT.

Below, the weekly country splits are on the left, and for today on the right. I do have a worldwide readership; I just hope that, outside of Russia, they are actually reading!

1 comment:

Polymath07 said...

A few hours later (4:30 PM EDT): 125 new hits in a few minutes' time from the US. We got our own spiders!