Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Russian spiders get subtler

kw: blogs, blogging, spider scanning

Hmm. I let 12 days pass, and this showed up:

The Google gnomes have updated the look of the Stats pages, but left most of the colors alone. When I notice a big green blob somewhere besides America, I look more deeply. Russia stands out, since it is so huge. The Audience focus shows more:

The usual count for Russia in a week is a dozen or so. The four 20-high spikes in the chart (note that three are double width) total about 140 hits. Pull out the 136 from Russia, and the basic level is about right.

It seems the spider has been tuned to snarf up 19 or 20 hits at a time, with an hour or so between. Although a cluster of smaller spikes would be less obvious in stats for a more popular blog, they are still pretty obvious here. Even when I was blogging daily or oftener, and getting 15-20 hits hourly, these spikes would have been pretty visible.

Весело ли тебе?

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